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Thai Foundation
Getting started
the phonetic Thai alphabet
the numbers 1 to 10
the numbers 11 to 20
the tens 20 to 90
and finally 100 to infinity
counting – putting it all together
simple math
math quiz
days of the week
be polite
10 lessons
Day 1
pronouns, who's who?
your first verbs
your first sentences (exercise 1)
more verbs
building on our sentences (exercise 2)
want to & would like to (exercise 3)
here & there (exercise 4)
travelling verbs (exercise 5)
negatives (exercise 6)
two conjunctions (exercise 7)
future tense (exercise 8)
asking questions
answering questions (exercise 9)
day 1 quiz
14 lessons
Day 2
can (exercise 10)
cannot (exercise 11)
can? questions & answers (exercise 12)
cannot (irregular)
day 2 quiz 1
common expressions
describing objects (exercise 13)
adjective or verb (exercise 14)
day 2 quiz 2
11 lessons
Day 3
possessive adjectives
verb-to-be, this & that (exercise 15)
who & whose (exercise 16)
day 3 quiz 1
verb-to-be 2 (exercise 17)
where (exercise 18)
day 3 quiz 2
verb-to-be 3
negative forms (exercise 19)
day 3 quiz 3
11 lessons
Day 4
common classifiers
nouns 2
using classifiers (exercise 20)
day 4 quiz 1
have, has (exercise 21)
not have (exercise 22)
do you have? (exercise 23)
day 4 quiz 2
many (exercise 24)
not many (exercise 25)
only one (exercise 26)
measures (exercise 27)
12 lessons
Day 5
question tags & answers
how many? (exercise 28)
day 5 quiz 1
using days of the week (exercise 29)
points in time (exercise 30)
modifiers (exercise 31)
parts of the day & mealtimes (exercise 32)
day 5 quiz 2
question words (exercise 33)
bonus lesson: months of the year
11 lessons
Day 2
all adjectives
Complete Lesson