Thai Foundation

Day 1

want to & would like to (exercise 3)

all examples

phŏm/chăn dtâwng gaan bpai

I want to go

khun dtâwng gaan phûud

you want to speak

khăo dtâwng gaan hĕn

he wants to see

phŏm/chăn dtâwng gaan nâng

I want to sit

Jane dtâwng gaan àan

Jane wants to read

Peter dtâwng gaan maa

Peter wants to come

khăo dtâwng gaan wâai nám

he wants to swim

man dtâwng gaan bpai

it wants to go

phŏm/chăn yàak jà bpai

I would like to go

khun yàak hĕn

you would like to see

khăo yàak jà nâng

he would like to sit

ther yàak maa

she would like to come

Jane yàak jà gin pizza

Jane would like to eat pizza

Peter yàak dèuum beer

Peter would like to drink beer

Review the examples again in the videos, then try the exercise that includes everything you’ve learned so far.

Exercise 3

1I want to go
2you want to come
3she goes to Karon
4we come to Patong
5I would like to go to Patong
6you would like to come to Phuket
7he likes to eat
8she likes to drink
9he wants to read
10she wants to sit
11we sit (and) drink beer
12they eat pizza
13she wants to phone Peter
14he wants to drink beer
15they like to swim
16she likes to read
17we would like to eat pizza
18it wants to sleep
19he loves her
20we like it
21I want to do it
22he wants to work
23we love Phuket
24he heard you
25she would like to know Peter
26I want to listen
27listen to her
28he likes to go to Karon
29she would like to work
30he wants to wait for her
31he would like to hear you speak (he would like to listen to you speaking)

Scroll down for the answers …

1phŏm/chăn dtâwng gaan bpai
2khun dtâwng gaan maa
3ther bpai Karon
4phûuak rao maa Patong
5phŏm/chăn yàak jà bpai Patong
6khun yàak jà maa Phuket
7khăo châwp gin
8ther châwp dèuum
9khăo dtâwng gaan àan
10ther dtâwng gaan nâng
11phûuak rao nâng dèuum beer
12phûuak khăo gin pizza
13ther dtâwng gaan thoo-hǎa Peter
14khăo dtâwng gaan dèuum beer
15phûuak khăo châwp wâai nám
16ther châwp àan
17phûuak rao yàak jà gin pizza
18man dtâwng gaan nawn
19khăo rák ther
20phûuak rao châwp man
21phŏm/chăn dtâwng gaan tham
22khăo dtâwng gaan tham ngaan
23phûuak rao rák Phuket
24khăo dâi yin khun
25ther yàak jà rúu jàk Peter
26phŏm/chăn dtâwng gaan fang
27fang ther
28khăo châwp bpai Karon
29ther yàak jà tham ngaan
30khăo dtâwng gaan raw ther
31khăo yàak jà fang khun phûud

If your answers differ a little because you used yàak instead of yàak jà, that’s ok. It’s all the same.