Thai Foundation

Day 5

question words (exercise 33)

mêuua rài – when?

all examples

àrai – what?

all examples

tham mai – why?

all examples

yàang rai – how?

all examples

Exercise 33

1when did he come here?
2why doesn’t she want to go with us?
3what is this?
4why did you go to the airport?
5what did you eat there?
6when did that shop open?
7what will we do tomorrow?
8why did he buy that car?
9what did he come here for?
10when did you speak to her?
11how can you sleep here?
12what is your work?
13how will he do it?
14why does he speak with them?
15why did we come to eat here?
16how did you come here?
17why will you go to his house?
18how can you sit with them?
19what does he want?
20how can you know that?

Scroll down for the answers …

1khăo maa thêe nêe mêuaa rài?
2tham mai ther mâi dtâwng gaan bpai gàp rao?
3nêe bpen à-rai?
4khun bpai sà-năam-bin tham mai?
5khun gin à-rai thêe nân?
6ráan nán bpèrd mêuaa rài?
7rao jà tham à-rai phrûng-née?
8khăo séuu ród-yon khan nán tham mai?
9khăo maa tham à-rai thêe nêe?
10khun phûud gàp ther mêuaa rài?
11khun nawn thêe nêe dâi yàang rai?
12khun tham ngaan à-rai?
13khăo jà tham yàang rai?
14tham mai khăo phûud gàp phûuak khăo?
15tham mai rao maa gin thêe nêe?
16khun maa thêe nêe yàang rai?
17khun jà bpai bâan khăwng khăo tham mai?
18khun nâng gàp phûuak khăo dâi yàang rai?
19khăo dtâwng gaan à-rai?
20khun rúu nân dâi yàang rai?